Monday, June 6, 2011

5 Things I Wish Somebody Told Me About College Baseball

5 Things I Wish Somebody Told Me About College Baseball

Author: KylesMilsnap

There are several unwritten rules that no one ever tells you about being successful in college baseball. Here are 5 big ones that will help you stand out against other players.

1. Work HARD

If you go and screw around at practice, you are not going to be ready for the game, neither physically or mentally. Take the drills seriously, even if they seem to make no sense. Balance drills, plyos, swing mechanics, sprints, distance runs, form running - all these things combined will help make you better, but if you don't take them seriously they will do nothing for you.

2. Train with People Better Than You

Identify the people who put the most effort into their practices and workouts and tell them that you want to work with them. Tell them you want to train with the best and you will do whatever you can to make them better as well. Once you are in with them, stay with them. As these leaders realize that you are willing to work, they will be more and more ready to help you and hang with you and the coach will take notice.

3. Do Extra Duties Well

Players are usually assigned tasks to take care of, whether it is field maintenance, equipment inventory, or something similar. If you get a task, do it well. In addition, I be the first guy at practice, chase foul balls during the game, and be the loudest guy on the bench. Coaches notice these things.

4. Eat Right

You've heard of the Freshman 15, the average weight a Freshman puts on when they go to college. Unlike in High School where you are always on the go, in college you end up sitting around a lot and if you are in the habit of continually snacking and eating until you are about to you are going to put weight on in a hurry. You really have to watch out because you don't want to be carrying around a bunch of extra weight going into the traveling part of the season, because then it is even harder to eat right and you do even more sitting around in airports, on buses, and in hotels.

5. Do Well in Class

Your school has demands for the student athletes that the other students are not subjected to, especially for Grade-Point-Average. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR CLASSES. Low grades could keep you from being on the travel team. Don't blow all of the hard work you have put in for months on end only to be ineligible during the season and run the risk of suspension or being kicked out.

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About the Author

The author is a former Division II baseball player and is currently a strength coach. His Ultimate Forearm Training for Baseball Manual has been called the "Secret Weapon of Baseball Strength Training." Check it out today, do the training, and set yourself apart from the rest of the pack!

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